Breaking Away From A Relationship

One of the best ways, however, to deal with a bad situation like this is to detach. "BREAK AWAY!' Separate yourself mentally, emotionally, psychologically and even physically and spiritually from that which is causing you so much pain. It's going to hurt anyway, remember. No, it won't be easy, because you really may be in love with her, but do yourself a favor, give it your best shot. There will be over one million divorces in the United States this year alone, and while you may not want to be in that number, you may have no choice in the matter. Thirty percent of the women who are killed in this country are murdered by husbands or boyfriends.
Detach, Let it Go. Start getting rid of the pain so that you can bgin to heal. No, it won't happen overnight, but in time it will happen.
Living without Love
It is very painful to seperate. I never realized how much i loved my first wife until we seperated. That was some painful stuff. Good Luck to anyone who can go through this and come out ahead.