Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Sex Life Sucks

 My Partner Does Not Want to Perform
When Sex Is a Mess

Are Adult Movies healthy for a relationship? Hell No! Why watch it when you can go out and get the real thing. Getting off on movies when you have a healthy relationship  is equivalent to physically cheating. Some will argue the innocence of masturbation (self-gratification) by saying i am not having sex with anyone. You may not be having sex with anyone, but you are having sex with yourself. You could not wait to save some of yourself for your partner. Trying to quench an unhealthy sex drive can be destructive and disastrous. If your partner does not have a sex fetish, then you need to look for someone else, immediately. That relationship will not last. "Trust me." Some people are limited in their sexual exploits, because sex should be nurtured from love not lust. Too many people put such a high premium on a person's sexual skills. that the true essence of love making is replaced with "Buck Wild Wild West-Freak Nasty Sex." It all sounds good on paper and definitely looks good visually, but the reality of it is grim, Google or YouTube dead Porn Stars, and you might  get a grip on your sexual dysfunctions.You will be one of many with multiple sex partners, and all that comes with it. Don't get caught up in the visual world of Adult Films, because you might not like where it takes you...

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