Saturday, August 27, 2011

Are We Compatible?

Unrealistic Expectations
Dating Outside of your Class

From the beginning you both knew that you were different. You was single and college educated, and He/She was a high school graduate with no further training of skills.

You became fully aware of your incompatibility only after serious, heart-wrenching, soul-searching when you separated. There is still hope however. A popular television evangelist is quoted as saying that "Attitude is more important than fact," and he is right. For example, if your rent is due. the landlord comes over, and you tell him to kiss your ass. there is a good chance that your furniture will be out on the street when you get back. Same landlord, same situation, but you sat to Mr. Smith that you are trying to get the money together, and that you should have something by the end of the week. You'll probably get a reprieve. The same principle applies to saving your relationship. The right attitude can even overcome both incompatibility and unrealistic expectations.

Admittedly, it may be very difficult for a real black man who is successful and who knows who he is to find a compatible woman. When you have worked hard to learn to understand thing and to make a difference. its difficult to be compatible with someone who has not expended a similar amount of energy to understand things and to make a difference. It is not a matter of "you" being better then they are or "them" being any better than you, you are just in different places. Communication and intelligence are essential to a successful relationship, and it is very difficult to talk to someone on the first floor when you are on the tenth floor yelling.

Women who has experienced growth herself, many times may be carrying around her own baggage, and is resentful. She has become hardened, and reasonably so, but a healthy relationship with such a woman might still be difficult. Then there are those women who have made it, who are looking for a C.E.O, not a mate. It is indeed a tough proposition and a  man who has become successful professionally may never find  that same success in a loving relationship.

CLASS DIFFERENCES TOO, ARE A MAJOR REASON WHY RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT WORKING OUT. Not "stuffed shirt" class, but simple every day actions and priorities. For example, being educated versus being uneducated, being talented versus being untalented, being a thinker versus being ignorant, having correct behavior versus being common, having self-respect and respect for others versus being ill mannered, being generous versus being selfish or being successful versus being unsuccessful. These are but a few of the reasons why differences in behavior and attitude often lead to incompatibility and failed relationships. If you know that you and your mate are very different, do not have unrealistic expectations about your relationship. Denial is telling yourself that she will change, but suppose she cannot. You cannot afford to fool yourself. IF YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS FALLING ASLEEP YOU SURELY ALREADY KNOW WHY.

Living Without Love
The Real Truth about Relationships

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